Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Final Assignment for Digital Photography and Graphics

Weird Flower & Building – The effect that I intended for these two projects was to make it look like a drawing but realistic at the same time. I used a bolder brush to make it look like it had an outline and then I used a smaller brush to fill in the details. I also used a brush with a low opacity and a darker colour to create an effect of texture. I chose these two projects because I wanted to show an example of drawing cartoons with GIMP (the photo editing program).

- Brightened and sharpened the picture
- Create new transparent layer
- Outline with thick brush
- Drew details with smaller brush
- Deleted first layer
- Colour the objects
- Gave special effect by using Sand Dunes brush

~Weird Flower~

Eclipse – This particular project was pretty simple to make because all I had to do was edit the picture by making it darker and sharpening it. After that, what I had to do was use GIMP Filter named Cartoon, This filter made the picture look like it was a cartoon. I wanted to post this picture up because it really made my dog Eclipse look like a cartoon.

- Darkened and sharpened the picture
- Cropped picture
- Used Cartoon filter for cartoon effect

Meyshna & Me – This picture was also easy to edit. I edited both pictures to how I wanted it, then I added the picture of the sky to the first picture as a new layer after that, I lowered the capacity of the sky to make sure the first picture could also be seen. I used this picture up because I wanted to show our friendship is as beautiful as the sky.

- Edited both pictures, brightened and sharpened
- Added sky as new layer to first picture
- Lowered sky capacity
~Meyshna & Me~

Hot and Fade – These two projects were supposed to convey their meaning of their words. Hot was made to look hot and Fade was made to look as if the word was fading away. For fade, I gave the background a sky to make it look more interesting.

- Made words of different layers with different colours
- Added pictures together
- Lowered opacity and moved it a little to make it look like it was moving

Girly – I put this picture of because I really liked it and because it really does look girly. I tried many different filters for this font and this is what I liked the most. I also added the background in to make it look even more girly.
- 2 layers
- Background, paint brush, dots
- Gave more contrast to the words
- Added soft glow


Apple – This project was fun to make because I got to experiment with different filters for example, Van Gogh, Cubism and Weave. I put it up because it’s a really interesting picture.

- Each apple had a different layer arranged in different places
- Gave each layer different filters


Boxes – I liked this picture because I got to experiment with different brushes. I really liked the square brush because when I drew the box, it gave it a 3D look with was really nice. I also used different colour to make it look more interesting.

- Coloured background and gave it texture
- Used different colours for the square and drew boxes out of it.


Abstract Art – This one is my favourite. I love abstract art and this assignment let me make my own design. And I love the colour combination. I used red, bright green, light blue, white and black for my abstract art. I choose this colour because it would go well together; the other reason is because I wanted it to look bright and cheerful but not too bright. To tone down the brightness, I added the black and red to add some balance to the bright green and blue. I used the Ellipse Select Tool, the Rectangle Select Tool and the Free Select Tool to form the patterns.

- White background
- Used Ellipse Select Tool and Rectangle Select Tool, and Free Select Tool to form the patterns
- Filled it with colour

~Abstract Art~


Meyshna Nair ♥ said...

Awhh, Soniaa.. I LOVE YOU! <3

Anonymous said...

Great abstract art image. Do you have more? I am looking for some images for a website about working in teams.