Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This was written on the 17th February. I posted it a little late.

Someone farted in yoga class today. Fortunately there wasn't any smell.. My mom says that people fart during yoga because of the breathing they have to do. It's a good thing. At least that's what she says.

So it was my first day of yoga class today. A yoga master came. All he was clad with was white. White shirt, white pants and white socks. His hair and eyebrows were off white. He's the yoga master...... He's 70 and has perfect eyesight. He DOESN'T wear glasses. I do. I didn't enjoy it. He spoke in Tamil. I only could understand a little bit. He talked for an whole hour. Made my head spin.

We did some really weird stuff. I laughed throughout the whole class. And laughed more when someone farted. Hilarious. He he he
P.S. I never found the farter...

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